Rainforests to savannah, coral reef to salt flats, snow caps to sand dunes…
Wind rustles through the bamboo, waterfalls dribble over boulders, and the waves crash against the shore. Without a single word, an entire canvas comes to life.

Evoke an Instinct

The subcontinent’s wild lands will leave you in awe. Species unlike any other, biodiversities that are utterly unique – Real. Resplendent. Raw.

A herd of elephants drink at a waterhole. A fish owl hoots at dusk. A mother langur nurses her baby. Olive Ridley turtles breaking free of their egg shells, a chorus of rose-headed parakeets.
And you’re just the audience holding your breath as the tiger stalks a spotted deer, or a mongoose does battle with a Cobra.

Invaluable lessons in biodiversity and the ways of the wild with educational observations on animal behaviour.


Capture once in a lifetime animal moments and forest landscapes with your lens. There’s no better subject to photograph or film than raw nature.


A journey into the jungle is also a journey of self-awareness and discovery. Just as a tiger hunts alone, the wilderness is the perfect backdrop for some much needed solitude.


Discard your urban trappings and unleash your inner wild child. Load-shed that stress and digitally detox. Let nature be your inspiration as your creativity unfolds.

Even your camera can’t capture the spirit of the moment the way your memory does.

South Asia : Where wildlife is the good life. It’s a basic instinct.